This month, we're focusing our attention on the sanctity of life. Every human life is precious and deserves to be protected from whether they are born or pre-born. Scroll through the newsletter to explore ways you can get involved in the pro-life movement, learn about the vital work of various organizations, and celebrate some victories as well!

You will also find some updates from our Worship Center Missions, upcoming events, and more!


Learn about the fundamentals of our Christian faith and who we are as a church body through our Discipleship Track Classes! You will learn what it means to become a mature Christian, discover your calling in ministry, and explore missions. Each class will be held on Sundays starting February 16th directly following service. Sign Up here!

Northwest Christian Teens is having their annual fundraising auction in our sanctuary on Saturday, March 1st at 5pm. You can learn more about this event on their Facebook Page.

If you've ever felt like you just can't get in control of your money, you're not alone. Join the Financial Peace University class hosted by Lyla Red at the church, and learn how you can pay off debt, save more money, and build wealth. This 9-week class will be on Wednesday evenings starting March 5th! Register here in the Church Center app!

Braided Bread hosts the feasts of the Lord throughout the year! The 2025 feasts begin soon, starting with Purim on Sunday, March 16th after service! Click Here to learn about all of the feasts we celebrate throughout the year!


By Jayne Schuljak

There are over 700 abortion mills in America, and our country has exterminated 62 million pre-born babies since 1973. It is hard to put one's mind around that number. Our Lord has called each and every Christian to be involved in the war against the unborn (prayer warrior, sidewalk counselor, financial donor, etc.); Many of us have situations which dictate what that involvement may currently need to look like. 

Save A Baby


Sponsor a Missionary


Save A Baby - Sponsor a Missionary -

The courageous warriors of Christ, who physically stand in front of these mills every week and plead for the lives of babies, are few. They are out there by whatever means possible, exposing the cruelty of the abortion industry while simultaneously sharing the gospel. They need our help to be out there. I have personally stood with many who rode their bikes over 20 miles, or walked due to not having the extra gas money for their trips to be a witness of God’s love outside an abortion mill. 

These missionaries bring Truth and Light not only to deaths’ gates, but also onto college campuses. It is important to go where the people are living and engage the culture, this has resulted in thousands of babies saved, and many lives brought to the foot of the Cross. 

I am entreating you to become a monthly sponsor for a pro-life missionary. When God leads you to invest financially in the fight against the horror of abortion, the support makes it possible for these missionaries to stay out in the harvest field all year long. ANY monthly amount helps give life and freedom to women and the unborn. With this sponsorship you will receive insights into the daily challenges, victories, prayer requests, and transformative impact of their bold work. Journey alongside your chosen missionary, building a relationship and being united in purpose and faith. You can click the picture below to learn more.

Click here to learn more about the ‘Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust’ ministry. This organization is one that I would recommend if you feel led to financially support people on the front lines of this fight.

In Christ, 

Jayne Schuljak 

Abortion Abolitionist 

We are blessed to have the Hope Pregnancy Resource Center offering hope to women facing unplanned pregnancies here in the Silver Valley.

“We are a pregnancy resource center located in Kellogg Idaho. We called our center Hope because we want to instill hope in the hearts of our community. Whether it is to preserve the beating heart inside an expectant mother, to inspire the beating heart of a young mother considering her options, or instill hope in the heart of someone facing the loss of any hopes vanquished we know that God can restore hope and we are happy to be the hands he chooses to use. - Hope Pregnancy Resource Center Website

Each year Hope PRC holds a fundraiser called ‘Baby Bottle Boomerang’ between Mothers Day and Fathers Day, where you can fill baby bottles with loose change to support this ministry. Make sure to pick up yours in May! Please also consider liking them on Facebook to help expand their reach in our community. If you know of anyone who is questioning what to do about an unplanned pregnancy, please direct them to this organization and help them choose LIFE!

We wanted to share some recent praise reports surrounding the pro-life cause as well!

2024 Election cycle

  • "Randall Terry is an anti-abortion activist who successfully got his name on the presidential ballots in 10 states, including Idaho. This allowed him airtime to run anti-abortion commercials ahead of shows like ‘The View’. These ads, featuring images of aborted fetuses, exposed the evil realities of abortion while making national headlines. This exposure was only made possible by the thousa nds of signatures gathered across several states to get Terry on the ballots to qualify. Some of these signatures came from our own congregation and if you added yours to the list we wanted you to know the impact of your bold participation!

2024 STATE Ballot Measure VICTORIES

  • Florida Amendment 4: Despite a massive funding disadvantage for the pro-life cause, voters opposed amending the Florida Constitution's Declaration of Rights to provide that the state cannot "... prohibit, penalize, delay, or restrict abortion before viability or when necessary to protect the patient’s health, as determined by the patient’s healthcare provider." (Ballotpedia.org)

  • Nebraska Ballot Initiative 434: Voters supported amending the state constitution to prohibit abortions after the first trimester unless necessitated by a medical emergency or the pregnancy is a result of sexual assault or incest. (Ballotpedia.org)

  • Nebraska Ballot Initiative 439: Voters opposed amending the state constitution to establish a ‘right’ to abortion until fetal viability. (Ballotpedia.org)

  • South Dakota Amendment G: Voters opposed providing for a state constitutional right to abortion in South Dakota, using a trimester framework for regulation. (Ballotpedia.org)

A New Administration…

  • On the fourth day of his second term, President Donald J. Trump granted pardons for 23 peaceful pro-life advocates who faced weaponized prosecutions brought against them by the previous Department of Justice under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act. Click here to read more about these cases!

  • The 52nd Annual March for Life took place in Washington D.C. last week with an estimated 100,000+ in attendance. The President and Vice President delivered supportive remarks virtually and in-person respectively.

…And Beyond

No matter what comes next, we should continually be praying about this issue.


We can only imagine how your heart breaks to see your masterpiece destroyed at the hands of your masterpiece. You are the God who weeps with us and we thank you for your nearness as we grieve the innumerable lives lost.

We pray for those who advocate for abortion. Soften their hearts to see the beauty and value of life.

We pray for the pre-born whose lives are at risk. Please be near to them and protect them. Embolden each woman facing an unexpected or unwanted pregnancy. Draw her near to your heart. Show her your unending love and mercy. Inspire her to choose life.

Thank you for ‘Hope Pregnancy Resource Center’, ‘Survivors of the Abortion Holocaust’ and other organizations like these that are battling on the front lines of this fight in various ways. Please bless and multiply the work that they do. Grant safety, wisdom, and strength to every missionary, leader, and volunteer of this cause.

Give our nation’s leaders the boldness to proclaim truth, even when it is not politically convenient. We pray that you would supernaturally change the hearts of politicians, voters, and judges to finally abolish abortion once and for all in America, and the world at large.

Help us to hear your voice clearly if you call us to financially support or participate in a pro-life ministry. Guide us and use us to further your kingdom.

Although we grieve as we watch the number of abortions that take place, remind us that we have hope through what Your Son accomplished on the cross.

Our trust is in You, oh Lord. Bring peace and life to our land.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


Read up on some updates from several of our missionaries abroad, as well as new opportunities to participate in missions!

El Salvador

Are you interested in going on a missions trip to another country, but don’t know if you have the time or resources to go far? El Salvador is only 2 time zones away, and takes less than 15 hours by plane to reach! This spring you have the opportunity to teach conversational English to kids and take part in the ministry going on in El Salvador with our partner church there. The cost is expected to be around $1200 Including airfare, and the trip will last approximately six days. The final date will be determined soon, so if you are interested, please contact David Dose to reserve your seat. This will be a small team this time so reserve your spot early. First come, first served!

Here are some pictures taken by Elder Sam in 2023 on his visit to El Salvador!


Calling for connection with those who want to go in the first two weeks of August 2025 on the mission trip to Kenya. We will be busy serving and worshipping with our Kenyan brothers and sisters in many areas including at the medical clinic, at the community center, in rural outreach and in a kids ministry day. Contact Candy Day by March 15th with your commitment and/or questions so we can get numbers together.

Prayer request from Michael Bushebi in Kenya: “We have continued to experience a lot of changes and adjustments as the new Year has began. One of the major change is additional Pastoral assignments for our local home church here the Bungoma church. The Pastoral team of three Pastors at the church has had varied shifts, one was transfered to help an outreach church that had been abandoned by the Pastor, another one has been called up to another ministry, and the remaining one has taking a step back due to family needs. So we crave for your prayers as we help the leadership team to navigate the transition....”

Pictured here is Anna, one of the people we are helping acquire training in Human resource management at a local Technical school in Sirende/Kiminini area so she can help the management team once the facility is completed. The kids with her are her nieces and nephews she helps take care of them while struggling herself.


From Chaim Singerman, our friend in Israel:

Our son is home!

Today, January 23, our son Yochanan finished his time at Gaza serving in the Reserves, and came home! Thank you for all the prayers for him.  We are deeply grateful for your prayers. There are many tragic stories from the war. Just 10 days ago, the son of Mordecai Wiseman, Aviel, died on a mission in Gaza.  They are friends of ours, and leaders in the Body of Messiah here in Israel.  Please join us in lifting up their family in prayer, asking for the comfort of the Lord to carry them in this difficult time.  

Look what happened on January 20th

• US Sanctions against Jews in Judea and Samaria (the "West Bank") were lifted.  This reversed the sanctions that the Biden Administration imposed on Jewish farmers and other individuals living in Judea and Samaria. The Biden Administration had American banks put pressure on the Israeli banks to freeze their money and assets, effectively ruining businesses and many lives. These are peaceful, law-abiding Israeli citizens (not Americans) that were affected…

• President Trump put a 90-day halt on US funds going to UNRWA, an organization which is working with Hamas, sharing resources, protecting them and their tunnels, and even holding our hostages… The US put sanctions on the ICC (International Criminal Court), the kangaroo court of the UN that is accusing Israel of genocide and calling our leaders war criminals. 

To quote from The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe . . . Aslan is on the move!  We see it in our family, in Israel, in the nations surrounding Israel, in the US.  

John 5:19 says that the Son does only what he sees the Father doing.  Let's see what the Lord is doing, and get in on it!   

Blessings from Israel,


A group from the Worship Center stayed at Chiam’s Inn when they toured Israel in 2018. Chiam also spoke at our church in 2019


Our WC Kids theme for the month is about discovering who God uniquely made each of us to be!

Pray for our kids this month, that they would know they are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of their creator, and that they would find their identity in Christ as they grow both in age and in faith!


Our Coffee Stand is open before and after our Sunday service!

View our February Monthly Specials Below!

Our dedicated Coffee team serves drinks before and after service at affordable costs!

Join the church family as we read through the Bible in a Year! Email the church if you would like to follow along and join discussions in the YouVersion Bible app. We also post paper copies of the month’s readings in our monthly church bulletin and they are provided here in the newsletter for you to screenshot or print it here if you are not using the Bible App!

Jan 27th: Job 30:1–31:40

Jan 28th: Job 32:1–34:37

Jan 29th: Job 35:1–37:24

Jan 30th: Job 38:1–40:5

Jan 31th: Job 40:6–42:17

Feb 1st: Exodus 1:1–2:25, 1 Chronicles 6:1-3a, Exodus 3:1–4:17

Feb 2nd: Exodus 4:18–7:13

Feb 3rd: Exodus 7:14–9:35

Feb 4th: Exodus 10:1–12:51

Feb 5th: Exodus 13:1–15:27

Feb 6th: Exodus 16:1–19:25

Feb 7th: Exodus 20:1–22:15

Feb 8th: Exodus 22:16–24:18

Feb 9th: Exodus 25:1–28:43

Feb 10th: Exodus 29:1–31:18

Feb 11th: Exodus 32:1–34:35

Feb 12th: Exodus 35:1–36:38

Feb 13th: Exodus 37:1–39:31

Feb 14th: Exodus 39:32–40:38, Numbers 9:15-23

Feb 15th: Numbers 7:1-89

Feb 16th: Numbers 8:1–9:14, Leviticus 1:1–3:17

Feb 17th: Leviticus 4:1–6:30

Feb 18th: Leviticus 7:1–8:36

Feb 19th: Leviticus 9:1–11:47

Feb 20th: Leviticus 12:1–14:32

Feb 21st: Leviticus 14:33–16:34

Feb 22nd: Leviticus 17:1–19:37

Feb 23rd: Leviticus 20:1–22:33

Feb 24th: Leviticus 23:1–25:23

Feb 25th: Leviticus 25:24–26:46

Feb 26th: Leviticus 27:1-34, Numbers 1:1-54

Feb 27th: Numbers 2:1–3:51

Feb 28th: Numbers 4:1–5:31

Mar 1st: Numbers 6:1-27, Numbers 10:1-36

Mar 2nd: Numbers 11:1–13:33


March 2025
