We follow the example of Jesus who kept the feasts
Faith in Jesus should not contradict the faith of Jesus Joseph, Mary, the disciples, and Paul kept the feasts. God sees you either as Israel or grafted into Israel (Rom. 11:17) Whether your believe His commands in Leviticus 23 are for Jews alone or for all believers, He certainly thinks these feasts are a good idea as evidenced by His command (repeated six times) that they are to be “a statue forever throughout your generations”
(Leviticus 23:14, 21, 31, 41; Exodus 12:14, 17)
Winter & Spring Feasts
Purim is based on the book of Esther. We celebrate God’s intervention to save his people through the courage of a young woman, giving us victory over our enemies!
Celebrate with us on Sunday, March 16th after service.
Just as the Angel of Death passed over those under the lamb’s blood, spiritual death will pass over you if you place yourself under Jesus’s blood. Not only does his blood cover our sin, it also enables us to enter into service, friendship, inheritance, and betrothal covenants.
This feast is a celebration of the giving of the Holy Spirit and God's promise to bring us into a land flowing with milk and honey.
Join us on June 1st after service in the WC Cafe!
summer & autumn Schedule
This feast, also known as the Feast of Trumpets, is a time to evaluate your relationship with God and others and to make them right through repentance and restitution. We celebrate with the blowing of the shofar and a feast with fish.
Join us on September 21st in the WC Cafe!
It is traditional to wear white to this service. Wearing white symbolizes both the cleansing of our sins and the looking forward to our wedding day with the Lord.
Join us on September 28th in the WC Cafe!
This celebration, also known as the Feast of Tabernacles, is a time to remember how God dwelt with his people in the tabernacle, and how His Holy Spirit can now dwell within us. Historical tradition would be to rejoice before the Lord with choice fruit, palm fronds, leafy branches, and willows as they resided in booths for 7 days.
Join us on October 12th in the WC Cafe!
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