Dive into God’s Word this year as we read the Bible chronologically together. You can find daily reading guides at the Connect Center or follow along in the Bible App and discuss passages together! We will also upload them monthly here in the newsletter! If you would like to join in the Bible App, please request an invite by messaging Edward- ed@wc.church
Fasting is about intentionally separating yourself to God. It's a deliberate act of pushing aside the things of this world, subduing your flesh, and giving Him your undivided attention.
Fasting helps express, deepen, and confirm our commitment to sacrifice anything to draw closer to God. We invite you to join us for a 21-day fast from January 13th to February 2nd.
Seek the Lord's guidance on what He desires you to sacrifice during this season. This could be a complete food fast, a Daniel fast, or abstaining from social and secular media. Whatever you choose, remember that fasting without prayer is just a diet. Also, fasting should be a personal experience between you and God, not a public display.
“When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others they are fasting. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full. But when you fast, put oil on your head and wash your face, so that it will not be obvious to others that you are fasting, but only to your Father, who is unseen; and your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” - Matthew 6:16-18 Click To Download Fasting Guide
Our WC Kids theme this month is about TRUSTING GOD!
“Jesus, help us to trust You when we are worried. When we don’t know what will happen, we can find peace knowing that You will take care of us no matter what happens.”
Watch the first Sermon of 2025
“I believe God is calling us in this season to know His word, to prepare our hearts and to draw closer to Him…”
Our Coffee Stand is open before and after our Sunday services
View January’s Monthly Specials Below!
Financial Peace University is a 9-week class about budgeting, wise saving & spending, insurance, and more.
It will be on Wednesday evenings starting March 5th ! Register here in the Church Center app!
‘Kids Outdoor Zone’ is becoming ‘Boy’s Outdoor Adventure Club’!
This new group for young boys will launch in the coming months!
Learn about the fundamentals of our Christian faith and who we are as a church body through our Discipleship Track Classes! You will learn what it means to become a mature Christian, discover your calling in ministry, and explore missions. Each class will be held on Sundays starting in February directly following service. Childcare is available as needed. Sign Up here!
In next month’s newsletter we will be presenting some information on how you can get involved in and support the Pro-Life Movement! Stay tuned!