Sermons are uploaded weekly
listen below!

The Greatest Story Ever Told
Matthew 9:35-38, Matthew 28:16-20, Philippians 3:10, Acts 2:1-4, Mark 16:15-20, John 15:1-5, Luke 24:50-53

Garment of Praise
God is calling us to a fellowship with each other. Putting on a garment of praise is something that we should be doing together, and holding each other accountable for!

The Battle of anxiety
We should read verses about worry and fear from a new perspective, considering God’s kind heart toward us… when God tells us to not be anxious or fearful… it is not with a voice of judgment and condemnation, but with a voice of gentleness and compassion.

The Battle Within
God cares about you, your family, your struggles, your mental health, your physical health, and your spiritual health… HE cares about your relationship with Him.

It’s A Spiritual Battle
There is a Spiritual Battle going on around us and whether we know it or not, accept it or not, understand it or not…
We are in the middle of it…

John | Courage Under Fire
This week we continue our series in John in Chapter 18 where we look at three different examples of courage under fire…

Resurrection Joy
In Jesus we have an eternal source of joy that no fear can take away… Because of the resurrection we can see God at work in the dangers of the world and in our own cares and concerns.
Matthew 28:1-10, John 11:25-26, John 14:18-19, 1 Peter 1:3-4, 1 Peter 1:6, John 17:13, John 16:20-24, John 15:11

John | Abide In Me
As you go and serve the Kingdom of God… remember to always abide in Christ to bear fruit. Abide in Christ to love. Abide in Christ to endure hatred. And abide in Christ through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.
John 15, 1 John 4

John | With You Always
Jesus did not leave us alone. He’s given us the Holy Spirit to empower us, live with us, unite us with God, and give us peace.
John 14:12-31, Luke 7:28

John | Heart Not troubled
Let not your heart be troubled, because Jesus prepared the place for you. He opened the way. He is with you now, and will be with you always, not as an observer, but a Helper… God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Spirit…
John 14, Romans 8:9-10

John | Washing Feet
The topic of washing feet has become controversial in our society today…
John 13, Luke 22:24-30, Philippians 2:8

John | Your Reflection
Dive into the Triumphal Entry's misunderstood expectations and the varied responses to Jesus' ministry, culminating in a reflection on personal choices—denial, rejection, or acceptance…
John 12

John | The Response
The Gospel of John shows us five responses to the raising of Lazarus…
John 11:45-57, John 12:1-8

John | The Signs
The Gospel of John details 7 specific miracles to defeat unbelief and point to the nature of Jesus. These culminate in the raising of Lazarus…
John 20:30-31, John 11:17-44

John | So Faith
Strive to have a faith that persists regardless of circumstances…
John 11, Matthew 9:38, Galatians 6:7-8

John | The Good Sheep
Our nature as sheep varies widely but the shepherd's character is unchanging…. Jesus is our good shepherd. He knows his sheep. Will you choose to listen to His voice and follow after Him?
John 10:1-30, Isaiah 40:10-11, Ezekiel 34:11-24, 2 Corinthians 4:1-5

John | Blind Faith
What lessons can we learn from the story of the blind man… the Gift of Blind Faith…
John 9:6-41, Romans 10:17, 2 Corinthians 5:7